Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Re-Post Music Video

   The idea for this project was to give a story about a guy who wanted to do something amazing in his life so he decided to try a dance audition. The process for creating this started with coming up with the actual idea. Then we spent some time choosing music that fits our idea well. When the basics were done we moved onto creating the story board. once we were done w could start filming. After some difficult film days we finally got to the editing process which went rather smoothly.
   Along the way I learned the importance of planning everything out. I also learned i needed to focus on getting things done. Next time I will get my group members numbers so I can send them reminder texts. If I could do something the same it would have to be the actual team.
   I enjoyed all the members in my group. it was a very interesting and fun group of people who never made things awkward. What I was able to come with, as a lesson i learned, is to collaborate with my group. I liked this project but next time I am going to work harder on the actual idea and the music choice. I hope to have another project like this soon.

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