Monday, March 25, 2019

Speed Racer Movie Review

Despite the negative buzz surrounding Speed Racer I love the Wachowski brother's film.This movie is honestly something incredibly special. Despite its bad reviews if you're a die hard speed racer film this was a special treat. 
The film is just a pop of color smashed with really impactful visuals. The only negative thing I can think of would be that if you're not already a speed racer fan it is very hard to get into. There are a lot of elements like chim chim that do not really click unless you know the lore. The casual viewer is left asking a lot of questions. 
Thematically speed racer has a lot interesting ideas. The concept of big business is a huge theme for the movie. Pop's shop is a small business and because of that it doesn't have a lot of power so they get screwed over. Family is also extremely important and learning from past mistakes. Pop's racer shows this a lot with how he deals with Speed leaving verses his first son Rex. Also respect for the past with how Speed wouldn't beat his brothers record.  

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