Friday, October 31, 2014

More random photoshop

This was just a quick photoshop project I did because I had some extra time, most of the time I worked on finding the right image to fit the idea I had in mind. Took me about 2 class periods to finish off. It was a lot of layers to work with and special effects to make it fade out to white shine on the top.  I think my favorite feature is the hands in the background, it really draws in the attention.

Wednesday, October 29, 2014


I had some extra time in Video so I made some text art. The word "Hana" is Flower in Japanese, thus the flower style this has. It took about 50 minutes, mostly because I wanted to try out the different effects photoshop has to offer. This was a pretty fun way to pass my free time.

90 Second Video

   This is a short version of my "Safe and Sound" music video. My most recent assignment was to take my already completed music video, and make it 90 seconds long. I made a few major changes to make this work and I also did some color adjustments to make the video flow better.
    I really like how this turned out. The shortened clips made the videos pace a lot better. The flow also improved because I made the transitions match up with the beat of the song.
   There were a few clips where the color was off due to the different lighting. I didn't have time to fix it the first time around but this was my chance to fix it. I fixed about 5 to 6 clips that really needed to match up. Next time I film and start editing I definitely need to remember to keep the color of the lighting about the same.
   I think this was very helpful because it made me realize that I had a lot of extra time in the shots that I didn't need. I will definitely use these skills next time I get a project.

Thursday, October 23, 2014

Spheres form Illustrator and Photoshop

   The first sphere I made was the illustrator sphere, I used this tutorial to make it. I first watched the tutorial and then began to use some of the same steps that he had used. But instead of the same concept I changed it completely. I made a different pattern and instead of the glowing effect I gave it a simple american flag look with all the stars and stripes.

  The next sphere I made was the photoshop one. I used this tutorial. Unlike the illustrator project I stayed on track and made exactly what the tutorial wanted. The reason for this is that I am unfamiliar with photoshop and still need a lot of work to become use to it enough to take a more creative approach. 

   I did notice a lot of similarities with photoshop and illustrator but there were also many many differences. One of the main differences was the way they operate. Photoshop, to me, seemed more like you were actually drawing. While illustrator was a lot more stiff with more rules. It doesn't have as much free hand like I am use to but it still was simple to use. The next thing I noticed was there were more helpful tools in illustrator. I think in time wise illustrator is the better choice as long as your project doesn't need much detail. photoshop depends a lot more on the persons skill level and experience, making it the more difficult program. 

Safe and Sound Music Video

  I learned the importance of reviewing my shots before we stop filming. In some of the main shots I noticed small things missing like Brendon's backpack, the judges not in the audience, and other things. They may not be big and noticeable but when they happen a lot it makes your video look bad.
  Some things I will work on next time is definitely getting some unique shots into the mix. I felt like the shots I have been filming tend to be a little boring. I did enjoy the first person view that I did with the lights. It gave off a shiny effect that looked really pretty. I plan on adding more quality shots like this in the future.
  I really enjoyed my group this time. It was a group of fun loving people who were really easy to get along with. I do think we could have been more productive with our filming but I can always work on this next time.
  The process was to film, edit, then post. seems simple but it was a difficult experience. I am just glad I had such friendly people to work with.

Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Photoshop Sphere

This red sphere was made in Photoshop and it was a bit more difficult to make. I prefer illustrator for making 3D objects while I think photoshop is better for adding details. With this sphere I changed up the tutorial a bit. Instead of having the shadow in the center I moved i to the side so that it looks like it is resting on something. Next I made my sphere a lighter color and added 2 highlighted spots.

Thursday, October 9, 2014

Red Sphere

This was a simple project where all we had to do was make a red sphere with a transparent shadow. All I had to do was add the gradient of red to black and angle in the correct way. Next I did a similar steps to make the shadow. One thing that I didn't know how to do originally was how to make a circular gradient. Finally I signed my name and screen shotted the entire project.