Thursday, September 18, 2014

The Chase

      This project was called the chase. I spent 3 days filming over 30 shots. I had some difficulties this time around but I think I worked them out.
      The most important thing I learned was to always save your footage on the server. I ran into a few problems with the clips I filmed. I ended having to redo half of my video to get things right.
      For the next project I do I plan on being more sat with my footage so I don't have to go through this headache again.
      The collaboration for this project was a lot different from the last two. in the last two we were doing our own separate videos but with this one we had to work together to get the same shots and make a story. I think coming up with the story was the hardest part. We spent an entire class time working on just the story board.
     I think if I want to improve collaboration I will need to say my mind more often. I think some of my ideas could have saved us a lot of time.
     Overall though I believe that we did well with this project and despite my difficulties it turned out pretty good. I am excited to work on more difficult and trying projects.

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