I definitely stepped out of my comfort zone with this logo. It was a lot more type based which I tend to stay away from but it actually turned out really nicely. I originally wanted to go with a more image based one but thanks to Burdolski I think I made a better choice to show off my abilities and how they've grown from last year. Overall I loved how this project turned out. It was exactly, if not better, what I hoped for.
2) I think this year I've definitely learned how to manage my time better. The work load has been a lot heavier and the projects more challenging but because of it I've been able to learn the importance of meeting deadlines. With my first project of the year I definitely didn't have my stuff together. I missed several deadlines and suffered. But from those sufferings I managed to learn how to get better at focusing and producing better work. I try my best to nitpick every tiny detail of my project until its perfect. Then I judge and push it a bit more. This has led to a lot of way better designed products! Also this Semester I've taken on a lot more outside work. I am trying to get endorsed by the end of the year and this has motivated me to work even harder and push myself farther. I've made brochures for friends parents. Business cards and seasonal holiday cards. All of these things challenging me and getting me to the next level.
I'd have to say my strength is still Illustration. It makes my work far more original and noticeable. I maximize these strengths by adding it into my projects as much as possible. I want to be able to show my portfolio to professionals and let them see my potential. I still need to work on my typography but by incorporating it more I think I've definitely stepped up my game this year.
What I've loved most would be the openness of the projects. Especially the rebranding one. If I could go back I'd really like to redesign my poster for homecoming to make it more original. Overall I've learned that persistance is key and I'll figure out a solution if I just keep trying. I would like to keep working on typography.