What I learned from this project is that the first idea is never really the best version. I thought my poster looked great in this version but in the end I was able to really tie it all together. Also with this project I was able to get readjusted to using Illustrator. I was more familiar with Photoshop but with this project I feel like I really got comfortable with the software and the key shortcuts.
If I had more time to fix up and change this project I would probably go back in and get rid of small errors like the white marks left by the flowers because if you look closely you can see them.
Things I would do the same is follow the flowery elegant style using people. I feel like adding the girl in the center really brings out the beauty.
Some experiences I would draw into this project would probably coming up with more unique ideas that are all my own. Overall though I am very happy with the final project. It was selected out of the class to be the 2015 homecoming poster so that makes me happy. I hope I can do more good work like this again with my next project!

Here is my finished product for the Homecoming 2015 poster and tickets.
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