Thursday, March 26, 2015

Beauty Photoshopping

Before                                                                                   After  

This took me a really long time. I decided to try changing up a person with no make up by adding make up and changing simple parts of the face. Some of the biggest things I changed were the Nose and the Eyes. I made both of them smaller and spaced out the eyes a bit more. I also changed the shape of the girl's nose. I also gave her bangs and bigger and brighter lips. I changed her eye color to a light turquoise with yellow in the center. Most of this was accomplished with simple changes like using the paint brush with a different filters. Other things I did were erasing under eye circles and large smile lines. 

Friday, March 6, 2015

School Interview

The Perks of Being a Wallflower movie poster

   This has probably been one of my favorite projects, even though I have had a lot of problems. I started out with the idea of using the faces of the main characters but I found a few problems with that. 


   I tried removing the image from its original background (which turned out fine) but once i changed the color to black and white i felt like it was lacking some elements. I then just scrapped that idea. I then moved onto the idea of making a more simplistic poster. With that basic idea I was able to create the poster above. 
  The 3 elements that I put into the poster that related back to the movie were the typewriter, cassette tape, and quotes from the movie (on the paper and on the label of the cassette tape). Then to finsih it off I added the text. I downloaded some typewriter type and a more structures text for both the name of the movie and the starring actors. To specialize my text I added a highlight around the title to make it POP. Then to finish it off I added the movies signature lime green color for the background. 
   The three colors I used were tan, lime green, and a light grey. This was accompanied by the white paper and black text and accents. 
   That was the basic outline of what I did. All of this project was done using photoshop (my favorite program ever). I enjoy the simplicity this poster has to offer and am very proud of it. 

Example of Saul Bass poster 

Monday, March 2, 2015

Specialized font

I used the font "Harrington" to give my name a more classy appeal and then I followed the tutorial and made my specialized font name.