Friday, December 5, 2014


Legos are a part of childhood 


Donating Blood Saves Lives

The idea of this first project was to try to tell the story of Mackenzie's experience with lego's. I wanted to give it a sort of carefree and light feel to it.
   The second Project was the blood drive. For this one I wanted to give it a very professional feel. I feel like it turned out much better than my original "Lego" project. This is probably because I already had practice with the 1st one.
  The process that I used to accomplish this was to find a partner and then start filming. I tried to ask some different questions but it was difficult to keep coming up with interesting questions and not be repeating myself. The next step after filming was the basic editing to find the good shots. I found a select few and dragged them down and made a rough story. After that I got voice overs recorded. They sound a bit awkward and stuttery in my opinion but they worked so I went with it. Finally I uploaded it and that was it! I had made my first documentary styled video.
    I thought this was going to be an easy project but I definitely learned differently. I figured out how to use "L" and "J" edits. They were very helpful from keeping my video seem blocky and cut strangely. They basically kept the flow.
   The next time I do a project like this I would like to do a more interesting topic rather then legos or a blood drive. Maybe something like a walk-threw of the average cooking class. I feel like I could get some really amazing shots and have a fun story-line. Something I would like to do the same is to add music. My lego video had a lot of awkward quiet moments and I felt like the music really made it more interesting.
   My overall view on this project is that I really enjoyed it. The general structure has more rules and makes it a challenge. Also keeping your viewer interested is a challenge within itself. I would very much like to do this again some time.

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