Wednesday, August 27, 2014

6 shot sequence


The newest thing we learned in class was the six shot sequence. we learned how to correctly film 6 different shot angles.
          The first shot is known as the Extra Close up, it is abbreviated with XCU. Its mostly used to focus on a single body part (hands, feet, ext)
          The next shot is Over the Shoulder, abbreviated as OTS. Its job is to show what the person is doing.
          Next is the close up, also known as CU. Its job is to answer who it is,  who the person is that you are filming.
         The Medium shot, MS, is when you film a person from the waist up.
         The next shot is Wide shot, WS, This shows what the person is doing.
         The final shot is Extra Wide shot, XWS, this sets the scene.

What I learned from this is how to correctly apply Camera shots to make a good video.
      I can use these new skills to make a quality videos in the future. You can't make something amazing without building up from the basics.

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