Thursday, August 28, 2014

2 Complimentary Objects

So this is the final product of our Creative Complementary Objects. 

      I decided to make my complementary objects nail polish and mirror because they both have to do with beauty.
      I learned how to correctly and efficiently use adobe illustrator. At first I found this project to be difficult because I was not acquainted with the program. But after a few tries and some help from my neighbor I was able to start to understand the program. I had a lot of problems with my gradient at first but with the shortcut "G" it was much more easy to do it.

The next tool I learned how to use was the "shape" tools. They were not entirely difficult to use which was nice.
    I enjoyed the last step of the product because it had the most creative freedom. I looked at a simple image then used its basic shape to create nail polish and a mirror.

                        This is the first project I did in illustrator. It had a lot more creative boundary then the other two projects but I think it was a good starter to get us back into the swing of things. 

Wednesday, August 27, 2014

6 shot sequence


The newest thing we learned in class was the six shot sequence. we learned how to correctly film 6 different shot angles.
          The first shot is known as the Extra Close up, it is abbreviated with XCU. Its mostly used to focus on a single body part (hands, feet, ext)
          The next shot is Over the Shoulder, abbreviated as OTS. Its job is to show what the person is doing.
          Next is the close up, also known as CU. Its job is to answer who it is,  who the person is that you are filming.
         The Medium shot, MS, is when you film a person from the waist up.
         The next shot is Wide shot, WS, This shows what the person is doing.
         The final shot is Extra Wide shot, XWS, this sets the scene.

What I learned from this is how to correctly apply Camera shots to make a good video.
      I can use these new skills to make a quality videos in the future. You can't make something amazing without building up from the basics.

Tuesday, August 19, 2014

What is Graphic Design?

So.. What is Graphic Design ?

Graphic Design is the combinating of text, pictures, typography, and white spaces to communicate to the viewer. Its commonly used in advertisements and graphic design is all around you. Its in the signs in the streets and in the sodas that you drink.It's an Art and a Skill. Graphic design is communication.